Cara Membuat Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb Kekinian

Kumpulan Resep Masakan.

Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb. Hai bunda kali ini bunda lisa membuat cemilan sehat lhoo, yaitu brokoli krispi yukkk simak videonya dan jangan lupa dipraktekin ya bun. Kabar baik kan kalian semua, sy doakan bagi yg sakit cempet sembuh,amien. Bagi yang kurang semangat ayokk jangan males.

Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb Resep Mudah - Membuat Brokoli Goreng Tepung Crispy. RESEP MASAKAN SEMPOL AYAM CRISPY ALA BUNDA FIRDA YANG RASANYA GURIH GURIH ENYOY. This quick-cooking broccoli dish is a wonderful accompaniment to fish, meat and poultry, such as our Crispy Chicken Thighs. Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kamu dapat membuat Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb!

Bahan Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb

  1. Gunakan 1 tangkai of brokoli besar.
  2. Gunakan 3 sdm of Terigu.
  3. Sediakan 3 sdm of Maizena.
  4. Diperlukan secukupnya of Garam.
  5. Sediakan 1/2 sdt of Merica bubuk.
  6. Gunakan 1 sdt of Bawang putih bubuk.

Brokoli goreng renyah dan pedas bisa dibuat sendiri. Gently heat the garlic and oil together until the garlic just starts to sizzle and brown, then remove from the heat and add the chilli. Drain the broccoli really well and toss in the garlic oil to serve. Arrange broccoli on pan in a single layer, spacing so no pieces overlap (this ensures broccoli will roast properly, not just steam).

Cara membuat Brocoli crispy ala bunda jkb

  1. Campur tepung dan bumbu bumbu lalu pisahkan campuran tepung jadi 2 bagian😉 satu bagian diberi air, satu bagian kering.
  2. Brokoli di cuci lalu celup ke adonan tepung yg basah kemudian balirkan dg tepung kering. Goreng sampai krispi kecoklatan.
  3. Nikmati selagi hangat.

Served with peppery soy saucey brown rice and some crispy fried tofu, with the tahini sauce drizzled on top of everything. Some broccoli will be needed for the puree and some will be kept aside to make the crispy garnish. Once the cooking water returns to a boil Ridiculously easy yet super impressive (and naturally, delicious), these crispy prosciutto-wrapped asparagus spears are perfect appetizers or cocktail party. Authentic Thai Recipe for Chinese Broccoli with Crispy Pork Belly. The dish is not at all spicy, so it can be enjoyed by everyone.