Cara Memasak Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream) Anti Ribet!

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Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream). Simple Way Of Making The Perfect Fudgy Brownie A chocolate brownie is a baked chocolate dessert. The Richest, Fudgiest Salted Brownies You'll Ever Try. Until I tried this brownie recipe, I was a firm believer that the batter would always trump the end result.

Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream) If you like your brownies gooey, fudge-like, and slightly underbaked, you've come to the right place. Instead of creaming the butter with an electric mixer, which whips air into it, you'll melt the butter with the chocolate to create a rich, thick base. This easy recipe makes the BEST brownies and is the only brownie recipe you will ever need. Teman-teman dapat memasak Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream) hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream)!

Bahan-bahan Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream)

  1. Sediakan 2 butir of telur.
  2. Sediakan 100 gr of gula pasir.
  3. Sediakan 200 ml of susu cair.
  4. Sediakan 100 ml of butter (lelehkan).
  5. Gunakan 150 gr of tepung protein rendah.
  6. Sediakan 70 gr of dcc (lelehkan bersama butter).
  7. Gunakan 70 gr of milo.
  8. Sediakan 30 gr of cacao powder.
  9. Siapkan 1 sdt of baking soda.
  10. Diperlukan 1 sdt of kopi bubuk.
  11. Dibutuhkan Secukupnya of ovomaltine crunchy cream (untuk satu layer tebal, boleh diganti merk krim cokelat apa saja yang terdapat crunch di dalamnya).
  12. Siapkan of Almond slice secukupnya.
  13. Dibutuhkan 2 jumput of himalayan salt.

I've got a super-easy yet DELICIOUS Brownies can't get any fudgier or easier to make than this folks! These brownies are fudgy, dense, rich, and super chocolate and with just a few basic ingredients. I was worried they might be bitter with the dark chocolate but they were actually delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream 😋. first time ever making brownies of any recipe and i think ill be sticking with this one, was a big crowd pleaser. This is one of the best brownies recipes in the whole world, and the whole thing is made in one pot.

Langkah-langkah memasak Fudgy Brownie Ala Kiki Ayu Recipe (Brownies Milo Lapis Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream)

  1. Panaskan oven 170*C selama 10menit..
  2. Masukan telur dan gula pasir, kocok dengan whisk sampai pucat. tambahkan susu cair & lelehan butter+dcc. Aduk sebentar..
  3. Masukkan secara bertahap : tepung terigu, milo, cacao bubuk, baking soda, dan kopi bubuk yang sudah disaring sebelumnya. aduk balik adonan perlahan, sampai tercampur rata..
  4. Beri kertas baking pada alas pan yang telah diberi olesan margarin. Tuang 1/2 bagian adonan ke dalam loyang (saya pan ukuran 25x12). Hentakkan pan berisi adonan benerapa kali. Baking pada oven yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya, dengan suhu 170*C selama 30menit, api atas bawah. (Sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing ya). Test tusuk cake untuk mengetes kematangan (test tusuk dengan lidi, jika masih ada adonan yang menempel, tandanya cake belum matang sempurna, tambah waktu baking kembali)..
  5. Taburi sejumput garam pada bagian atas cake, lalu oleskan ovomaltine crunchy cream diatasnya. Kemudian tuang sisa adonan dilayer berikutnya. Sisakan sesendok adonan. Baking kembali selama 30menit api atas bawah..
  6. Test tusuk kembali, jika cake sudah matang sempurna, beri garnish almond slice, tempel menggunakan sisa adonan. Lalu baking selama 10menit dengan api atas..
  7. Angkat cake, dan taburi kembali dengan sejumput garam..
  8. Lepas cake dari pan, dan angin-anginkan diatas cooling rack. Setelah dingin, potong fudgy brownie ala kiki ayu recipe, dan sajikan diatas piring cantik. Selamat menikmati lumeran cokelatnya 😊..

It had been dawning on me that the surest way to achieve brownie nirvana, the kind of fudgy chocolatiness that wimpy people say is too chocolaty (and then go on to polish off another brownie or. These Avocado Brownies are an easy & healthy recipe, made with avocado instead of butter or oil. They are gluten-free and dairy-free, with a Why add avocado to a perfectly good dessert? Recipe for Chocolate Fudge Brownies packed with chocolate chips and topped with a chocolate glaze. See those fudgy brownies with that thick layer of glaze?