Easy moisty crunchy fruity brownie. This recipe show you how to make a brownie that is crispy in the outside and moist and fluffy in the inside. Whisk in the melted chocolate (make sure it's not too hot or else the eggs will cook), then sift in the flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Fold to incorporate the dry ingredients, being careful not to overmix as this will cause the brownies to be more cake-like in texture.
The crispy crust was made Brownies are one of very sinfully treat. Better than box-mix, these easy homemade brownies from scratch are made in one bowl and are supremely chocolaty! The Best Brownie Recipe (Seriously!) If I were asked to sum up the past two weeks or so of my life in a single word, it would be Brownies. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kamu dapat menghidangkan Easy moisty crunchy fruity brownie hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Easy moisty crunchy fruity brownie!
Bahan-bahan Easy moisty crunchy fruity brownie
- Siapkan 100 gr of tepung terigu.
- Gunakan 20 gr of bubuk coklat.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt of bubuk vanila.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of garam.
- Diperlukan 5 sdm of gula pasir (saya gak suka manis).
- Sediakan 2 butir of telur ayam.
- Diperlukan 100 gr of margarin aroma butter.
- Dibutuhkan 100 gr of dark chocolate disini saya pake whittakers strawberry aromanya fruity dan rasanya seger agak asem.
- Siapkan Sedikit of kismis untuk campuran biar rasanya fruity.
- Dibutuhkan of Topping sesuka hati, saya gak pake topping karena di rumah stok lg kosong.
A super quick, easy, gooey, single serving brownie in a mug recipe, perfect for any time you're craving chocolate brownies! For any chocolate lover, this dangerously easy chocolate mug brownie might become your new favorite recipe. It's the perfect answer for those times when you're craving. A snappy, crunchy, easy and brittle brownie bark recipe.
Cara membuat Easy moisty crunchy fruity brownie
- Olesi loyang dgn margarin dan tepung, sambil memanaskan oven.
- Di mangkok lain campurkan bahan-bahan kering lalu diayak.
- Margarin dan coklat di tim.
- Di wadah lain kocok gula pasir dan telur sampai berbuih, pake pengocok tangan atau garpu saja.
- Masukan bahan-bahan kering ke dalam kocokan gula dan telur, aduk rata, tambahkan campuran coklat dan margarin, masukan kismis, aduk.
- Masukan adonan ke dalam loyang, panggang di oven suhu 185°C selama 25-30 menit, atasnya akan kering crunchy, dalamnya moisty, dan aromanya wangi fruity strawberry 🍓.
Easy to make and much better than the storebought variety! A snappy, crunchy, brittle and EASY made-from-scratch recipe for brownie bark. Be sure to check out the how-to VIDEO at the bottom of the post! These easy-to-make, fudgy brownies, complete with retro decoration, marry a much-loved flavour pairing of cherry and chocolate. Squidgy and super moreish, these gorgeous foolproof fruity chocolate bakes will be snapped up in.