Cara Memasak Kimchi tofu stir fry yang Gurih!

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Kimchi tofu stir fry. Add gochujang mixture, kimchi juice and tofu to skillet. Divide onto plates and sprinkle with scallions and sesame seeds. Stir-fry the kimchi and pork and serve with sliced tofu that has been boiled or pan-fried.

Kimchi tofu stir fry Dubu kimchi (두부김치) is one of many classic Korean dishes that use sour, old kimchi. In the meantime, in a saucepan, saute the minced garlic with sesame oil. Then, add honey, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and kimchi into the sauce to the pan and bring to boil, stirring frequently until the sauce thickens a bit. Kalian dapat menyiapkan Kimchi tofu stir fry hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Kimchi tofu stir fry yuk!

Bahan-bahan Kimchi tofu stir fry

  1. Dibutuhkan 4 kotak of tahu.
  2. Dibutuhkan 2 cup of kimchi.
  3. Siapkan 150 g of daging babi/ sapi.
  4. Gunakan 1 siung of bawang putih.
  5. Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of Minyak wijen.
  6. Diperlukan of Minyak goreng.
  7. Dibutuhkan of Kecap asin.

Heat oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add the kochugaru, soy sauce and honey, and toss to combine. Return the tofu and edamame to the wok with the kimchi, season to taste, and toss until warmed through. Serve stir-fry sprinkled with sesame seeds and extra kimchi on the side.

Cara memasak Kimchi tofu stir fry

  1. Potong kecil tahu lalu pan fried dengan minyak sedikit sampai bagian luarnya garing lalu sisihkan.
  2. Iris tipis daging/ pakai daging short plate. Tumis sampai berubah warna beri sedikit kecap asin dan bawang putih cincang.
  3. Masukkan kinchi ke dalam tumisan daging aduk rata sampai kimchi sedikit kering. Masukkan minyak wijen.
  4. Masukkan tahu dan air kimchi +- 1cup jika terlalu kering bisa di tambah air putih. Aduk rata hingga air meresap lalu angkat.

Make a little well in the pan, and then take two heaping tablespoons of the gochujang and plop it in the center. Use your spatula to "cook" the paste and let it dissolve into the sauce. Then stir-fry everything until well combined. Fill the kimchi jar with about a cup of water. Mix the the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.