Resep: Banana nugget crunchy yang Gurih!

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Banana nugget crunchy. Here is a popular Indonesian snack, called banana nugget. Basically it's a deep fried breaded banana with generous toppings. This is actually such a very very filling snack yet addictive 😋.

Banana nugget crunchy The crumb topping is what makes these banana muffins stand apart from the ordinary. Последние твиты от banana nugget kesukaanmu (@sargittt). jangan serius serius amat ketat amat muka lu kek sempak indomaret. Banana and yoghurt are a perfect low-calorie breakfast combination that will keep you going until The banana adds sweetness without the need for extra sugar and the seeds bring a satisfying crunch. This indulgent treat combines the best of a cookie style brittle combined with delicious, rich flavors. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Banana nugget crunchy hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Banana nugget crunchy!

Bahan Banana nugget crunchy

  1. Siapkan of pisang ketan/uli.
  2. Sediakan of Tepung Terigu protein sedang.
  3. Diperlukan of gula pasir.
  4. Diperlukan of telur.
  5. Gunakan of susu bubuk (optional).
  6. Gunakan of Baking Powder.
  7. Diperlukan of air putih.
  8. Siapkan of Topping :.
  9. Diperlukan of Coklat Dipglaze/coklat marcolade.
  10. Dibutuhkan of Chocochip.
  11. Gunakan of Springkel.
  12. Sediakan of Keju.
  13. Sediakan of Susu bubuk milo.
  14. Sediakan of terigu untuk bahan pencelup.
  15. Diperlukan of tepung roti/tepung panir.
  16. Sediakan of air matang (tidak encer tidak juga kental).

It has the perfect crunch in each bite, with a smooth, consistent. A healthy-twist on nuggets that the kids will love. As the name suggests, these Mochi Rice Nuggets are pleasantly crisp, crunchy, and snackable and sort of like a thicker, rice-based pita chip texturally. The secret to good muffins is not to over-mix.

Langkah-langkah membuat Banana nugget crunchy

  1. Kupas pisang lalu hancurkan menggunakan gelas atau garpu jangan terlalu lembek ya.
  2. Jikaa sudah hancur, masukan kedalam blender bersamaan dengan terigu, telur dan BP, susu bubuk, air 100cc dan garam secukupnya..
  3. Tuang adonan kedalam loyang (me pakai ukuran 20×20).
  4. Lalu kukus. Tes kematangan dengan menusuk adonan dengan lidi,jika masih ada yg menempel itu tandanya belum matang.
  5. Kalo sudah matang, angkat lalu potong sesuai selera..
  6. Setelah dipotong, celupkan satu persatu banana nugget kedalam terigu yg sudah dilarutkan air, tuang lagi kedalam tepung roti. Begitu seterusnya.
  7. Lali goreng sampai warna kekuningan, susun dan beri topping sesuai selera..
  8. And taaaraaa jadi deh, selamat mencoba 😘.

The riper the banana, the sweeter, and toast the pecans first - you'll be glad you did. I only make six because they don't stay. These homemade Cheesy Popcorn Chicken Nuggets are oven baked to be light and crispy. Everyone will eat it, no moaning, crunchy joy - Parmesan Popcorn Chicken with a Honey and. Fried carbs involving spring-roll wrappers filled with sweet bananas and jackfruit, rolled into crêpe-like tubes, then crisped up in the pan?