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Crispy banana with chocolate topping... Asalamualaikum Hi Subscribers.siapa yg suka pisang goreng hayuuk merapat sini, liz bikin pisang goreng tanduk krispy dg topping chocolate meises & keju. A basic banana muffin is made extraordinary with a brown sugar crumb topping that will melt in your mouth. The crumb topping is what makes these banana muffins stand apart from the ordinary.

Crispy banana with chocolate topping.. Crispy and chocolatey on the inside, creamy and sweet on the inside with just a few ingredients: banana, chocolate and coconut oil; plus whatever toppings you like such as crushed M&Ms, fruity pebble cereal, cinnamon toast crunch and. Grilling the bananas for this dessert recipe brings out their sweetness without adding any sugar. Whole-wheat flour and egg product in the chocolate crepes makes them higher in UGC Reviews Modal. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kalian dapat menghidangkan Crispy banana with chocolate topping.. hanya dengan menggunakan 4 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Crispy banana with chocolate topping..!

Bahan Crispy banana with chocolate topping..

  1. Diperlukan 1 sisir of pisang uli yg sudah matang.
  2. Diperlukan 1 bungkus of tepung goreng pisang.
  3. Diperlukan of Tepung panir.
  4. Dibutuhkan sesuai selera of Topping.

Reviews for: Photos of Chocolate Crepes with Banana-Pecan Topping. The top countries of suppliers are Germany, China. Top with fried banana slice on the bias. Top with whipped cream, almonds and drizzle with ganache.

Cara membuat Crispy banana with chocolate topping..

  1. Kupas pisang,belah jadi dua atau sesuai selera.
  2. Cairkan adonan pisang goreng,gulingkan pisang ke adonan lalu guling guling ke tepung panir,goreng dengan api sedang.
  3. Biarkan dingin lalu beri toping.selesai.

Wine Suggestion: Veuve Cliqut Demi Sec. Try this Crispy Chocolate Banana "Split" recipe, or contribute your own. Top with fried banana slice on the bias. Top with whipped cream, almonds and drizzle with ganache. I can never throw away old, overripe bananas, and although I have many recipes for using them up, I enjoy coming up with new ways, and really wanted, here, a proper cake - delicious though any banana bread is.