Cara Membuat Siobak / Roasted pork belly Anti Ribet!

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Siobak / Roasted pork belly. The meat men really wouldnt be meatmen without cooking MEAT, so we decided one day to do a FULL meat power dish that many people can enjoy! I said the process was "easy". If not, you can still roast the pork, but place the oven shelf closer to the top element.

Siobak / Roasted pork belly Never fails to give you those nice crispy cracklings EVERY TIME! Easy crispy roast pork made with the Philips Airfryer. I chose a less fatty piece of pork belly and still got juicy, crackling skin! Teman-teman dapat membuat Siobak / Roasted pork belly hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 10 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Siobak / Roasted pork belly yuk!

Bahan Siobak / Roasted pork belly

  1. Gunakan 1 kg of pork belly / samcan utuh (ga dipotong2).
  2. Diperlukan of 🐷 bumbu marinasi :.
  3. Gunakan 5 siung of bawang putih ulek.
  4. Gunakan 1 sdm of bumbu ngo hiong.
  5. Diperlukan 2 sdt of garam.
  6. Gunakan 1 sdt of merica.
  7. Dibutuhkan Secukupnya of garam untuk lapisan atas.
  8. Dibutuhkan Secukupnya of cuka masak.
  9. Gunakan of 🐷 saos cocolan :.
  10. Sediakan Secukupnya of saos hoisin.

Never in my life would I even imagine an attempt to make roast pork, if not for my airfryer. I've seen Mum make this, I think, in her. Sio bak, or 烧肉 in chinese, is a dish popular with many people locally. The crispy skin of the pork, combined with the juicy flavor in the oozing meat makes this recipe a killer winner.

Cara membuat Siobak / Roasted pork belly

  1. Siapkan panci besar, didihkan air secukupnya sampai daging bisa terendam. Letakkan bagian atas daging menghadap bawah. Rebus 30 menit. Angkat, dinginkan..
  2. Tusuk2 bagian atas samcan (bagian lemak) dengan ujung pisau yg tajam secara merata..
  3. Olesi bagian daging dengan bumbu marinasi (garam, bumbu ngo hiong, garam, merica). Jangan kena bagian atas (bagian minyak).
  4. Keringkan bagian atas yg sudah ditusuk2 dengan tisu sampai kering lalu oles cuka masak secukupnya. Taburi garam secukupnya..
  5. Simpan dlm kulkas semalaman. Letakkan dlm wadah yg tidak tertutup atasnya, bagian minyak menghadap atas..
  6. Setelah menginap minimal semalam dlm kulkas, taburi bagian atas samcan dengan garam sampai benar2 tertutup garam tebal..
  7. Panggang dlm preheated oven, suhu 180dc, api bawah selama 1 jam..
  8. Keluarkan dr oven, singkirkan lapisan garam. Lalu nyalakan api atas juga. (Api atas + bawah) suhu 200 dc sampai bagian atas kering dan kriuk. Kurleb 25 menit..
  9. Dinginkan 30 menit. Lalu potong2..
  10. Sajikan siobak dengan saos hoisin untuk cocolannya..

Skew the meat with skewers to keep the belly flat while roasting. Sio bak, or 烤肉 in chinese, is a dish popular with many people locally. The crispy skin of the pork, combined with the juicy flavor in the oozing meat makes this recipe a killer winner. I cannot believe sio bak can taste like this. tender with juiciness. That's what I want to achieve - my kind of perfect sio bak.