Cara Memasak Crispy Bread with Chocolate yang Enak!

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Crispy Bread with Chocolate. Hello everyone.:) This is the second episode from #CookingWCipos and this is the way i'am to learn cooking in beginner level, and inspired by Tiktok of. this bread had the texture colour and chocolate flavour that i wanted but could really really use some more sugar. because I have a sweet tooth and love chocolate i'm It seems like such a good idea--a yeast bread with chocolate baked right in. I guess I'll have to keep trying. Photo about Rice crispy round bread, covered with chocolate glaze on kraft paper, brown ribbon, on old wooden table.

Crispy Bread with Chocolate If your dough is not kneaded enough, it stretches only into thick layers of film. They bake into thick and leathery, chewy and hard crust. Chocolate Rice Krispies Treats adds cocoa powder, dark chocolate, and chocolate chips to this delicious candy-like square. Kalian dapat membuat Crispy Bread with Chocolate hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Crispy Bread with Chocolate!

Bahan Crispy Bread with Chocolate

  1. Siapkan 6 pcs of Roti tawar.
  2. Sediakan secukupnya of Susu SKM.
  3. Gunakan secukupnya of Meses.
  4. Gunakan 3 butir of Telur.
  5. Diperlukan 1/4 kg of Tepung roti.
  6. Diperlukan of Minyak.

Stir until smooth, then take off the heat and stir in the rice pops, coating them gently with. Detailed step-by-step recipe suitable for baking rookies! But what we are talking about here is a regular bread dough that is flavored with cocoa powder and studded with small bits of chocolate — an entirely different animal, one that's. Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipe. by Chocolate Covered Katie.

Cara membuat Crispy Bread with Chocolate

  1. Potong pinggiran roti, namun jangan dibuang ya bunda. Nanti pinggirannya juga bisa di bikin crispy. Sisihkan.
  2. Pisahkan putih dan kuning telurnya. Kita memakai putih telurnya saja. Sisihkan..
  3. Isi roti dengan susu dan meses sedikit, lalu lipat menjadi bentuk segitiga. Pencet pinggiran roti agar menjadi gepeng dan tertutup. Seperti membuat pastel. Ulangi hingga roti habis..
  4. Celupkan roti ke putih telur hingga merata..
  5. Baluri roti yang sudah terlapisi putih telur dengan tepung roti. Tekan pelan-pelan agar tepungnya menempel di roti. Ulangi hingga roti terbaluri tepung semuanya..
  6. Panaskan minyak, goreng roti dengan api kecil. Tunggu hingga warnanya keemasan..
  7. Untuk pinggiran roti caranya sama, ulangi step-stepnya seperti di atas (mulai dari dicelupkanke putih telur ya bunda).
  8. Dan Taarraaaa... Crispy Bread with Chocolate siap di sajikan untuk keluarga....

Above: Watch the video how to make chocolate zucchini bread! Every time I make a recipe with chocolate and zucchini, it reminds me of. Johnson, has been a consistent staff and reader favorite. The bread was moist and tasty and the chocolate on the top made it even more fabulous! The chocolate was a bit messy and next time I.