Moo Krob (Pork Belly). Moo Grob (Crispy Deep-fried Pork Belly, หมูกรอบ ) is a favorite food in Thailand that can be added to many of our most popular dishes, including chili and. Pad Kana Moo Grob is a popular and authentic Thailand one dish meal made with Chinese Broccoli and crispy pork belly slices. In our version of this dish we create a not-so-traditional, but still very authentic Thailand taste by adding dark sweet soy sauce Chinese Broccoli with Crispy Pork Belly.
After a night out on Friday to the city, I am too lazy to go out today. So I decided to cook Thai food for lunch and dinner. I've always wanted to make my own pad prik khing moo krob and so I googled a couple of recipe to get the basic ideas of the ingredients. Kamu dapat membuat Moo Krob (Pork Belly) hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Moo Krob (Pork Belly)!
Bahan Moo Krob (Pork Belly)
- Siapkan 500 gr of daging babi bagian samchan. Cari yg masih banyak dagingnya.
- Siapkan 1 liter of air untuk merebus.
- Sediakan 1 sdm of garam.
- Gunakan 5 siung of bawang putih di haluskan.
- Siapkan 1 sdm of cuka.
- Sediakan 500 ml of minyak goreng.
With that leftover roasted pork belly in the fridge, I went about looking for the recipe. I hit pay-dirt in David Thompson's Thai Street Food, a physically Thompson had greens in his pad kana moo krob recipe, which I welcomed as it picked up the flavors from the simple seasonings, and provided nice. Whether roasted or fried, moo krob is characterised by its layers of contrasting textures, from the juiciness of the fatty pork to the crispness of the crackling, and Mr. Pong keeps his recipe secret but does divulge that the pork belly is fried, Thai style, though he still categorises his guay jab as Chinese.
Cara membuat Moo Krob (Pork Belly)
- Cuci bersih daging. Keringkan dengan kitchen tissue..
- Marinasi daging dengan bawang putih halus dan garam. Diamkan sekitar 1-2 jam di dalam kulkas..
- Rebus daging bersama 1 liter air berasama bumbu marinasinya dan cuka. Masak selama 10-15 menit atau hingga matang..
- Angkat daging dan tiriskan. Keringkan kembali daging dengan kitchen tissue. Tusuk-tusuk bagian kulit menggunakan garpu. Jangan terlampau dalam..
- Panaskan minyak. Goreng daging dengan posisi kulit diatas. Lalu siram-siramkan minyak panas ke kulit daging..
- Setelah bagian dagingnya matang, balik daging dengan posisi kulit di bawah. Masak kembali hingga bagian kulit menjadi golden brown. Angkat dan sisihkan..
- Panaskan kembali minyak dengan panas tinggi. Goreng kembali daging dengan posisi kulit di bawah selama 1-2 menit saja agar bagian kulit menjadi crispy. Angkat dan sajikan dengan saus atau sambal kesukaan anda. Resep Dipping sauce nya akan saya upload jika sudah di buat 😁.
This legendary pork belly eatery in Bang Sue is worth trekking outside of city limits for. Thin, crispy skin— probably the crispiest you'd ever find in Bangkok—complements meat that retains a tender juiciness. The barbecued pork, which comes with a flavorful red sauce, is another must-try. Pad pak kana moo krob literally translates to fried kale crispy pork in Thai and that pretty much sums it up! Crispy deep-fried pork belly stir fried in Oyster Rich, crispy, fatty pieces of tender pork belly and crunchy kale….