Banofee pie. Banoffee pie is an English dessert pie made from bananas, cream and toffee (made from boiled condensed milk, or dulce de leche). Remove the pie from the refrigerator. Scatter the banana slices over the dulce de leche.
This shockingly easy banoffee pie recipe combines a crunchy graham cracker crust, soft and sweet dulce de leche, thick slices of fresh banana, and a mountain of billowy whipped cream. Heat your dulce de leche in a shallow water bath that you've brought to a bare simmer. This will make the thick dulce de leche pourable. Sobat dapat menyiapkan Banofee pie hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Banofee pie!
Bahan-bahan Banofee pie
- Sediakan of pisang.
- Siapkan of whipping cream anchor.
- Sediakan of marie regal.
- Siapkan of choco chips.
- Diperlukan of plastik segitiga.
- Sediakan of Saus karamel.
- Dibutuhkan of susu kental manis.
- Dibutuhkan of brown sugar.
- Sediakan of margarin (harusnya butter aku ganti yang ada).
Find out how to make a banoffee pie from scratch, making your own caramel, or buy in dulce de leche for an easy version. Tempt family or guests with a delicious banoffee pie recipe. Felicity Cloake: Are you a fan of banoffee pie, or does it make your teeth ache just to think of it? And where do you stand on the great biscuit v pastry base debate?
Cara membuat Banofee pie
- Siapkan bahan yang dibutuhkan..
- Potong-potong pisang jadi dadu pindahkan ke wadah. Lalu ambil biskuit marie regal masukkan kedalam wadah lalu ulek sampai tidak terlalu halus biar crunchy..
- Siapkan teflon.. masukkan susu kental manis, brown sugar dan margarin. Aduk sampai semua tercampur rata. Tunggu sampai matang dan ada gelembung lalu matikan kompor..
- Masukkan whipping cream ke dalam mixer. Mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai menjadi foam dan kaku matikan. Ambil whipping cream tadi masukkan ke dalam plastik segitiga ikat ujungnya. Dan potong ujung satunya lagi..
- Ambil gelas susun biskuit marie regal yang sudah di tumbuk ke dasar gelas. Lalu masukkan pisang, saus karamel, whipping cream. Hias dengan choco chips dan sisa biskuit marie regal. Siap di sajikan..
If you are just discovering Banoffee Pie, you are in for a treat. This is a caramelized version of Banana Cream Pie where instead of pastry. I've heard of banoffee pie but I've never had it — just the sound of coffee whipped cream alone would make me try it! The way the caramel is cooked makes all the difference to making this pie just. Banoffee Pie is known to be simple to prepare but I made my recipe even easier!