Cara Membuat Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu yang Renyah!

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Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu. Oyster mushroom is one of the most commonly found mushroom in Indonesia, and one of the cheapest too. It is not surprising then that we have so many dishes made with this as the main ingredient. One of the latest dish that crops up using this mushroom is jamur goreng krispi, or crispy.

Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu King Oyster Mushroom SpawnsA Leading Producer of Mushroom Spawn. Taste Profile: Oyster mushrooms have a delicate, mild flavor with a velvety texture. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kalian dapat menyiapkan Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu!

Bahan Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu

  1. Sediakan of Jamur Tiram (1 Bungkus).
  2. Sediakan of Tahu Putih (Potong Dadu).
  3. Sediakan of Daun Bawang (1 Lembar).
  4. Siapkan of Bawang Putih (5 Siung).
  5. Gunakan of Cabai Rawit (6 Biji).
  6. Sediakan of Tepung Kentucky Sasa.
  7. Gunakan of Minyak Goreng.
  8. Siapkan of Telur Ayam (1 Butir) kocok lepas.
  9. Dibutuhkan of Penyedap rasa kaldu ayam.
  10. Gunakan of Lada Putih (1 Sdt).

How to Serve: Its texture makes it a great compliment to chicken, seafood, and pork. Torn oyster mushrooms are mixed with a lightly seasoned batter made with starch and egg, and deep fried. It's easier to pick them up one by one and drop into the hot oil and the generous coating stays crisp Serve the crispy oyster mushrooms immediately with mayo and ketchup in separate bowls. Cultivated Oyster Mushroom Organic Crispy Mushroom Chips.

Cara membuat Hot Crispy Oyster Mushroom & Tofu

  1. Iris semua bahan (Bawang putih, daun bawang dan Cabai Rawit). Siapkan Jamur, telur dan Tepung kentucky di wadah terpisah..
  2. Tambahkan sedikit air pada telur. Celupkan jamur satu per satu ke telur, kemudian gulingkan ke tepung kentucky..
  3. Jamur yang sudah ditepung pisahkan. Potong dadu tahu. Untuk tahu langsung balurkan tepung, tanpa menggunakan telur..
  4. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang, setelah panas goreng Jamur Tiram dan Tahu yang sudah ditepung (Terpisah). Pastikan minyak agak banyak agar hasilnya crispy..
  5. Setelah semua digoreng dan ditiriskan. Siapkan wajan kosong dan beri sedikit minyak. Tumis Bawang Putih hingga harum, kemudian masukkan cabai rawit dan daun bawang yang sudah disiapkan. Beri sedikit merica dan penyedap rasa. Setelah harum, masukkan Jamur Crispy dan Tahu, sambil aduk agar bumbu tercampur. Matikan api dan sajikan. Yay makan cuy!.

Hot & Spicy Flavor Cheese Flavor Garlic Flavor BBQ Flavor. Oyster mushrooms are large, oyster-shell shaped edible fungi species. Their chewy, flavorful, fruiting bodies are widely popular in the Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine. It is native to the dense forests of North America, Northern Europe, and Siberian Asia. A wide variety of oyster mushroom crisps options are available to you Fried oyster mushrooms tastes crispy outside and soft inside.