Hot Spicy Crispy Tofu. And throw in some crispy tofu for good measure. This is SO totally how we roll. Now that you're excited about all these chili flavors and crispy-creamy textures, I'm going to present you with the hot vs cold dilemma.
Let the pieces leak out on a kitchen paper towel once all the sides are crispy. The killer spicy notes from the sauce, and the salt and pepper seasoned tofu cubes with their crispy on the outside texture and soft insides are YUUUHHH-MMYY! 🤤 I literally have to restrain myself from eating them ALL straight from the pan before I make the fried rice! Crispy baked tofu is stir fried in a deliciously flavorful spicy peanut sauce. Sobat dapat menyiapkan Hot Spicy Crispy Tofu hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Hot Spicy Crispy Tofu!
Bahan-bahan Hot Spicy Crispy Tofu
- Siapkan 3 buah of Tahu(sekitar 400 gr,sy pakai tahu cina).
- Gunakan 400 ml of Air (untuk merebus Tahu).
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 Sdt of Garam.
- Dibutuhkan 50 gr of Tepung Jagung/Maizena.
- Sediakan 50 gr of Tepung Beras.
- Siapkan 1/2 Sdt of garam halus.
- Siapkan 1/4 Sdt of Serbuk Merica hitam.
- Gunakan 10 batang of Cabe rawit (di iris halus).
- Dibutuhkan 4 Siung of bawang putih (di geprek lalu di cincang).
- Gunakan 1 Tangkai of Bawang daun (di iris halus).
- Diperlukan 1/4 sdt of garam halus.
- Sediakan 1/4 Sdt of Chicken stock.
- Gunakan 4 Sdm of minyak Jagung untuk menumis.
Satisfy your stir fry cravings with this healthy vegetarian version! Baked, yet still incredibly crispy, pieces of tofu go perfectly with this spicy peanut sauce. Tastes like a restaurant dish, only better! You all know me, and how I'm.
Langkah-langkah memasak Hot Spicy Crispy Tofu
- Siapkan bahan2.
- Masukan ke dalam Mangkok/wadah,tepung beras,tepung jagung,chicken stock,dan garam.
- Masukan Cayenne Pepper kemudian aduk rata dengan garpu.
- Potong dadu/kotak tahu ukuran sesuaikan dengan selera,rebus sebentar dan tambahkan sedikit garam (bila perlu),tiriskan tahu lalu masukan kedalam campuran tepung dan salut sampai permukaan tahu tertutup dengan campuran tepung.
- Panaskan minyak,masukan tahu dan goreng hingga berwarna kuning keemasan/Golden brown.Angkat tahu dan tiriskan.
- Panaskan minyak,tumis bawang putih hingga layu,masukan cabe rawit,dan daun bawang.Goreng dengan api kecil sampai garing.Taburkan sedikit garam dan chicken stock (bila suka).Kemudian siramkan ke atas tahu yang Sudah di goreng tadi..
- Sajikan Garlicy Hot Spicy Tofu Crispy Selagi hangat.Enjoy...😚😚😚.
You'll find a million uses for this crispy tofu and fun ways to season it! How to make basic Crispy Tofu: Blot with paper towels (FYI: pressing all the liquid out will make it dry and chewy. So just lightly press.) Herby noodles, chile oil and crisp tofu come together in this spicy, filling bowl that will disappear before you know it. But the component parts are just as valuable on their own: Make crisp baked tofu once, and you may never pan-fry cubes again. Make a scallion-basil paste on your cutting board.