Hot tofu crispy. The secret to crispy tofu is pressing out all the water; using a simple coating also boosts the crunch factor in this quick and easy recipe. Crispy bites of tofu with a crunchy exterior and a creamy interior. Once hot, add the oil and the seasoned tofu.
The original crispy tofu snack is deep fried until crispy and golden. It is then served in a brown sauce that is garlicky and slightly sweet. Heat the oil in a small pan over a medium heat until hot. Kalian dapat membuat Hot tofu crispy hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Hot tofu crispy yuk!
Bahan Hot tofu crispy
- Dibutuhkan 5 buah of Tahu putih.
- Sediakan 150 gr of Tepung serbaguna (saya pakai sajiku).
- Gunakan 5 sdm of tepung tapioka.
- Sediakan 3 siung of bawang putih.
- Siapkan 1 batang of daun bawang.
- Siapkan 20 buah of cabe rawit.
- Sediakan secukupnya of garam.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt of lada putih bubuk.
The Secret to Delicious Crispy Tofu: Dry Is Good. The goal when frying tofu—whether pan-frying or deep frying—is the same as the goal when frying meat or vegetables: to alter the texture and flavor. Crispy tofu is best served immediately as it loses its crispiness after half an hour I would say. It should be hot enough to make tofu sizzle right away.
Langkah-langkah memasak Hot tofu crispy
- Potong tipis tahu bentuk segitiga.
- Campur tepung serbaguna & tepung tapioka buat dalam wadah.
- Masuk kan tahu yg sudah di lumuri tepung kedalam minyak goreng yg sudah panas tiriskan.
- Geprek dan cincang halus bawang putih kemudian tumis dengan minyak goreng sedikit masukan daun bawang cabe rawit garam.
- Stlah itu campur semua bahan.. Siap disajikan 😙.
Add tofu cubes to a bowl with cornstarch. Crispy tofu that's still ostensibly healthy feels like a win to me. To maintain maximum crispiness post-frying, move the fried tofu to a wire cooling rack while you finish cooking. Keyword crispy tofu, sweet and sour sauce, tofu. Learn how to cook crispy baked tofu in three delicious ways.