Chicken Katsu Crispy (with saus teriyaki). Keep in mind that the breading will no longer be crispy after refrigerating the chicken, so it is best when eaten the same day. Season the chicken breasts on both sides with salt and pepper. Chicken katsu curry: Chicken katsu is topped with Japanese-style curry sauce instead of tonkatsu sauce.
Serve this classic Japanese food with tonkatsu sauce and a side of fresh salad for the best family meal. It also freezes well and makes for a delicious meal prep menu. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, pour the rest of the sauce and stir occasionally as it comes to a boil. Kawan-kawan dapat membuat Chicken Katsu Crispy (with saus teriyaki) hanya dengan menggunakan 22 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Chicken Katsu Crispy (with saus teriyaki)!
Bahan Chicken Katsu Crispy (with saus teriyaki)
- Sediakan 500 gr of dada ayam filet.
- Diperlukan of 🍲Bumbu Marinase:.
- Gunakan 1 sdt of garam.
- Sediakan 1 sdt of lada bubuk.
- Gunakan 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk/penyedap.
- Sediakan 1 sdt of bawang putih bubuk/yg sdh dihaluskan.
- Dibutuhkan of 🍲Bahan Baluran.
- Diperlukan 3 sdm of tepung terigu (me 4 sdm).
- Diperlukan 1 sdm of tepung maizena (me 1,5 sdm).
- Siapkan Sejumput of garam.
- Diperlukan 2 butir of telur ayam.
- Sediakan 3 sdm of susu cair (me pake yg full cream).
- Diperlukan 250 gr of tepung panir (me 100 gr).
- Sediakan of 🍲Bahan Saus.
- Sediakan 1 buah of bawang bombay,iris panjang.
- Dibutuhkan 3 siung of bawang putih,cincang.
- Diperlukan 2 sdm of saus tomat.
- Siapkan 5 sdm of saus sambal.
- Diperlukan 5 sdm of saus teriyaki.
- Siapkan Sejumput of lada bubuk,garam,gula.
- Gunakan 150 ml of air mineral.
- Diperlukan 1 sdt of tepung maizena.
This Chicken Katsu is lightly breaded with a tender chicken inside. Japanese restaurants originally started this Chicken Katsu recipe then it become even more popular in Japan and This chicken katsu recipe will become an instant family favorite! What you need to make Chicken Katsu with? Crispy Rice Chicken Katsu. with roasted Chinese broccoli.
Cara memasak Chicken Katsu Crispy (with saus teriyaki)
- Setelah cuci bersih, kasi jeruk nipis. Trus bilas iris tipis2 melebar dada ayamnya. Kemudian pipihkan biar tipis dan berkerat. Supaya bumbu meresap.
- Oleskan bumbu marinase sampai rata, biarkan 10 menit.
- Sambil nunggu bumbu meresap. Kita bs siapkan tepung baluran. Campur terigu,maizena,sejumput garam. Gulingkan ayam sampai tepung rata.
- Kocok telur dan susu cair.
- Celupkan sampai rata.
- Gulingkan di atas tepung panir. Tekan2 biar menempel. Klo mw utk stok, setelah proses ini bs di tata ke wadah dan masukkan ke frezeer..
- Goreng dengan minyak banyak, api kecil. Sampai warna keemasan. Angkat tiriskan.
- Untuk saus, tumis semua bawang sampai wangi. Masukkan semua saus, air, dan bumbu2. Terakhir masukkan maizena yg sdh dicairkan dg air. Aduk rata. Siap disiram diatas chicken katsu crispy 😉👍.
The Japanese call it katsu: a thin cutlet breaded and fried, then served with sweet tonkatsu sauce. And if you read through this recipe, that's exactly what we're giving you here. Chicken Katsu - Japanese fried chicken cutlet with panko bread crumbs. This recipe yields very crispy chicken and served with homemade Katsu sauce. >How To Make Chicken Katsu? Dip the chicken cutlet with beaten eggs.