French Fries Homemade ala KFC. Introducing Secret Recipe Fries, KFC's first foray into french fry fryin'! Seasoned with a secret blend of herbs and spices and fried to crispy perfection like our world-famous chicken, Secret Recipe Fries are unrivaled in flavor. KFC's Secret Recipe Fries feature thick-cut French fries seasoned with "a secret blend of herbs and spices." They've replaced Potato Wedges on the menu.
While the chain has introduced some pretty over-the-top items lately, from mac and. As I ordered the Secret Recipe Fries from my area Kentucky Fried Chicken, there was a debate going on in the kitchen regarding these new test items: the server, who took my order, declared loudly how much she absolutely adored this new item and couldn't wait to eat some when she got off her shift, while the guy in the back making them, on the other hand, said in a gruff voice that he liked. KFC confirmed that it is testing out Secret Recipe Fries at select restaurants. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, sobat dapat membuat French Fries Homemade ala KFC hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin French Fries Homemade ala KFC yuk!
Bahan French Fries Homemade ala KFC
- Diperlukan 1 kg of kentang ukuran besar (3bh).
- Siapkan 3 siung of bawang putih geprek.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdt of garam.
- Gunakan Secukupnya of air.
- Dibutuhkan 3 sdm of terigu.
- Siapkan 2 sdm of maizena.
- Siapkan of Minyak goreng.
- Dibutuhkan selera of Bumbu tabur seseuai.
Ok hari ni saya ada buat video tentang Cara Mudah Membuat Kentang Goreng Ala KFC Resep French Fries. It's unclear if the standard-cut fries would replace the brand's classic potato wedges. The results left me a bit confused. KFC Secret Recipe Fries top down KFC Secret Recipe Fries plated.
Cara memasak French Fries Homemade ala KFC
- Kupas kentang, potong2 panjang dan rendam..
- Bilas sampai airnya bersih/bening..
- Panaskan air sekiranya cukup untuk merendam kentang. Beri garam, gula dan bawang putih..
- Masak sampai kentang 1/4 matang. Cukup 3-5menit mendidih. Tiriskan dan dinginkan..
- Setelah kentang dingin, masukkan ke plastik klip atau toples bertutup. Beri tepung dan kocok rata..
- Tiriskan sisa tepung, masukkan kentang ke wadah dan simpan di freezer sampai beku..
- Goreng sampai garing..
- Sajikan dengan bumbu tabur atau saus cocol kesukaan..
As you can see from the pictures the fries have an extra coating than a traditional fast food French fry. Presumably that's where the secret herbs and spices live, but in truth I didn't detect any materially powerful flavors. If anything I found the fries heavier and stodgier. So I tried batter - after all it makes chicken, shrimp, and onion rings crispy so why not potatoes. Now even my husband can't get enough of these French fries.