Potato wedges. Healthier than fried, these chunky wedges are a true delight and perfect for busy weeknight meals. They're so good, they taste like the ones you'd get from a restaurant. Potato wedges are always a favorite for kids and grown-ups alike; they're easy to make and great for barbecues and parties.
Thoroughly wash potatoes, cut in half, and slice into wedges. Toss wedges in olive oil and seasonings. Are you wondering how to cut potato wedges but not sure the best way? Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kalian dapat memasak Potato wedges hanya dengan menggunakan 4 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Potato wedges yuk!
Bahan Potato wedges
- Siapkan 6 buah of kentang.
- Sediakan 10 sdm of tepung krispi (saya pakai yang sasa).
- Diperlukan Secukupnya of gula dan lada.
- Gunakan of Minyak untung menggoreng.
Let us know if you try our method for how to cut potato wedges and tell us how it goes in the comments below. Potato wedges are the ultimate easy side dish - just slam them in the oven and forget about them until hunger strikes. Place potatoes in a bowl of cold water with about. Potato Wedges - Fried & Baked Potato Wedges.
Cara memasak Potato wedges
- Cuci bersih kentang terus potong cuci lagi, kemudian beri garam dan lada aduk2 pakai tangan saja..
- Taburkan tepung krispinya saya buat dua tahap, pertama 5 sendok makan lalu aduk2. Kemudian taburkan lagi 5 sendok aduk2 lagi biarkan sebentar sampai berair..
- Goreng sampai kecoklatan dan sajikan bisa tambah bumbu rasa ato boncabe jika ingin pedas 😋.
This recipe post details the method of. Potato wedges are a part of American cuisine. This dish basically consists of potatoes cut into a moon shape and then baked or fried. It is a basic food that requires few ingredients to prepare. Cutting potato wedges is far easier than cutting fries!