Brownies cookies (bronis kering). Buat penggemar coklat kue kering brownies ini cocok banget.kuenya Crunchy ada chewynya dan nyoklat banget.dicoba buat yaaa😘😊. These easy chocolate chip cookie brownies have my very favorite chocolate chip cookie dough baked into the top layer of decadent, fudgy brownies. So today especially as you gaze upon those fudgy underbaked chocolate chip cookie brownies, I'm hoping no one takes offense to the excessive.
If you like Brownies, then you must try these Brownie Cookies. The batter is almost the same as a brownie batter so the cookies still have that intense chocolate flavor. These cookies are best the day they are baked but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for three to four days. Kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Brownies cookies (bronis kering) hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Brownies cookies (bronis kering) yuk!
Bahan Brownies cookies (bronis kering)
- Gunakan 100 g of butter.
- Sediakan 200 g of dcc.
- Sediakan 100 g of gula palem.
- Sediakan 80 g of gula pasir.
- Siapkan 2 butir of telur utuh.
- Gunakan 100 g of terigu pro rendah.
- Dibutuhkan 10 g of maizena.
- Siapkan 30 g of coklat bubuk.
These brownie cookies are soft and chewy like a brownie but also have a crispy outside like a cookie. The outside of the cookie has a crackly finish like a brownie too! They are super yummy and if you have never tried a brookie, you need to! Read on for the recipe and more info on making brownie.
Cara memasak Brownies cookies (bronis kering)
- Dalam bowl masukkan DCC dan butter kemudian lelehkan denga cara double boiler atau tim. Biarkan sampai suhu ruang..
- Kocok telur dan gula sampai gula benar2 larut. Bisa pakai mikser atau whisker..
- Setelah gula larut, masukkan lelehan coklat dan aduk perlahan sampai tercampur rata..
- Ayak terigu, maizena dan coklat bubuk, kemudian masukkan secara bertahap ke dalam step no. 3 - aduk rata.
- Setelah semua tercampur rata, masukkan adonan dalam pipping bag (plastik segi tiga), gunting ujungnya, buat lobang jangan terlalu lebar..
- Semprot adonan ke dalam paper cup ukuran paling kecil, beri topping suka2..
- Oven dengan suhu 175° kira2 30 menit. Kenali oven masing2 yaa. Awal keluar dari oven bronis kering memang agak lembek tapi akan setting dalam suhu ruang..
- Simpan dalam wadah dan tutup rapat..
- Note ; bila menginginkan tekstur yg bener2 garing, waktu pengovenan bisa ditambah sekitar 10 menit. Jangan lupa untuk memutar loyang agar adonan matang merata..
Scoop golf ball-size dollops of cookie dough onto the baking tray, making sure you leave enough room for them to spread out. Cookies 'N' Cream Brownie bars transform a boxed brownie mix into pure heaven in this recipe from If you ask us, Cookies 'N' Creme candy bars are highly underrated. Even the white chocolate haters on our team can't resist them (because those crunchy chocolate bits are everything). Lihat juga resep Mini brownies kering enak lainnya!